Neck chain King's chain 18K Gold 50 cm

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Kuningasketju Kaulaketju 18K Kultaa 50 cm   Hienosti välkehtivä, hyvin painava Kaulaketju, aitoa leimattua 18K (75%) kultaa!   - Kultaketju 18K Kultaa - Paino 23.90 gra
Size Chart

King chain Necklace 18K Gold 50 cm


Nicely shimmering, very heavy Necklace, genuine hallmarked 18K (75%) gold!


– Gold chain 18K Gold
– Weight 23.90 grams
– Width 3.6 mm
– Length 50 cm
– Link style "Byzantine" or "Kings chain"
– Certificate of authenticity


Wonderfully shimmering and very heavy Necklace in 18K gold, Arabian craftsmanship at its best. No 14K "trinket gold" but real 18K gold! 


Gold jewelry Necklace pendant chain King chain 14K, 18K, 24K gold?

The gold content of gold jewelry is indicated in carats, where 24 carats (24K) means pure 100% gold. Due to the softness of gold, jewelry is usually not made of pure gold, but different amounts of alloy metals are mixed with the gold. Both to improve its durability, but also to lower manufacturing costs, since gold is expensive, these alloys are not. The most valuable gold jewelry is made of 18K and 22K gold, where the gold's share of the total weight is significant, and the jewelry also has real value.

The more real gold a piece of jewelry contains, the greater its value, both as an investment and as jewelry, naturally. 18K jewelry already contains 75% of real gold and is the most common option in the world. In some traditional gold-valuing countries like India, the highest demand is for 22K gold jewelry, which is 91.7% pure gold. Such jewelry retains its value because of the gold it contains and also the resale value is always higher than "gold jewelry" with 14K or even less gold, often called "trinket gold". In Finland, unfortunately, many settle for these 9k-14k "trinket gold jewelry", or even gold-plated jewelry where there is practically no gold at all. The share of gold in these pieces of jewelry remains so small that the price mainly consists of manufacturing costs and the costs and margins of various intermediate steps, and such jewelry does not have much real value or resale value.

The value of gold jewelry Necklace King chain

Oikeissa 18K ja 22K kultakoruissa hinta normaalisti muodostuu pääasiassa sen sisältämästä kullasta jonka arvo säilyy, ja kullan hinnan noustessa myös korun arvo nousee. Tässä mielessä aidot 18K tai puhtaammat kultakorut voivat olla myös sijoituskohteita! Kultapitoisuudella on myös iso merkitys korun ulkonäköön ja painoon.  Oikeassa 18K tai puhtaammassa korussa väri on aidon kullankeltainen, kullalle ominainen säihke ihan eri tasolla kuin vähemmän kultaa sisältävissä ja myös paino erottaa aidot kultakorut näistä ”rihkamakultakoruista”.  Aidoissa 18K ja 22K kultakoruissa kullan korkea ominaispaino antaa korulle sen ansaitseman arvokkuuden tunteen myös käyttäjälleen. Kultakorua ostaessa, varmista aina korun todellinen kultapitoisuus, ja korun sisältämän puhtaan kullan määrä.  Kullan markkinahintaan vertaamalla näet nopeasti mikä on korun todellinen arvo, ja paljonko hinnassa on ”ilmaa”, valmistus- ja muita oheiskuluja sekä eri myyntiportaiden kuluja ja katteita. 

You will not find jewelry containing 14K "trinket gold" in the Gemtrade selection. In our carefully selected jewelry selections, all gold jewelry has a gold content of at least 18K (75%). The sale price of jewelry always mainly consists of the gold they contain. Even so, our prices are often even cheaper than many stores' 10-14K trinket gold jewelry! Our jewelry is mainly made by our partners in the Arab countries, where the thousand-year-old traditions and appreciation for gold jewelry, and the respect for gold and the quality of the work are in line with it. Thanks to our extremely light but expert procurement and sales organization, you don't pay for unnecessary additional costs, but our prices are often even lower than competitors' 10K-14K trinkets!


Gold jewelry 14K, 18K or 24K?


The world market price of gold


Gemtrade.Fi Responsibility

King chain Necklace 18K Gold 14k 18k 24k carat gold bar silver bar gold coin maplegram silver coin gold coin silver coin gold silver coin money platinum palladium precious metal precious metal investment metal Krugerrand maple leaf bull and bear american eagle britain gold necklace gold chain necklace king chain byzantine miami cuban armor chain necklace pendant chain gold pendant pendant bracelet bracelet bracelet earring earrings ring gold ring gemstone gemstones diamond ruby sapphire emerald amethyst citrine ametrine quartz jade jadeite nephrite topaz spinel aquamarine morganite beryl tanzanite peridot garnet rubellite tourmaline tsavorite opal fire opal gem spessartine

Additional information

Weight 50 g
Dimensions 30×20×10 cm
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