STUNNING Color Changing Sapphire 8.18ct (SYNTH)

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UPEA Väriä Vaihtava Safiiri 8.18ct (SYNTH) U

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STUNNING Color Changing Sapphire 8.18ct (SYNTH)

A wonderful color changing and top quality Sapphire. The colors of this Sapphire are very close to the typical colors of Alexandrite, the most valuable of the color changing gemstones. The color of the color-changing stone depends on the light source, in daylight the stone is Blue-Violet, in the light of a light bulb Purple/Red. This stone is synthetic, i.e. real Sapphire but made in a laboratory.

NOTE: ollakseen oikeasti ”Väriä vaihtava” jalokivi, kiven *color* (”hue”) tulee selkeästi muuttua, väristä toiseen. Esimerkiksi ja tyypillisesti sinisestä punaiseen tai purppurasta violettiin. Kaikkien kivien sävy muuttuu valaistuksen mukaan, mutta kyseessä ei ole oikea ”Väriä vaihtava” kivi ellei itse väri muutu, ja muutoksen täytyy olla selkeä.  Huutokaupoissa usein myydään tavallisia kiviä ”väriä vaihtavana”, ja usein jopa kiviä/mineraaleja mistä ei ole edes olemassa väriä vaihtavaa variaatiota, joissa sävy hieman muuttuu valaistuksen voimakkuuden tai valotyypin mukaan.  Valitettavasti huuto.netissäkin näitä täysin huijauskiviä, ”väriä vaihtavia ametisteja” ym.

Paino: 8.18ct
Mitat: 13.04 x 13.04 x 7.09mm
Color: mdkbV/mdkpR
Purity: Excellent
Sanding: Trillion / Excellent
Treatment: not treated, synthetic

Light/bright spots that may appear in the pictures are usually internal and external light reflections.


We sell stones in stock individually or in lots to jewelry artists, goldsmiths, investors, collectors and hobbyists. The prices of our stones for sale are *always* below the general wholesale prices, for pricing we mainly use the most well-known and respected publication in the industry, "The Gem Guide".

Our stones for sale in the auction and online store are not "surplus", but on the contrary, stones that our experts "couldn't leave without buying" during their procurement trips. particularly fine/rare/good quality stones for the price. Because our Gemmologists acquire the stones as close as possible to their source, bypassing many normal high-ceiling steps on the way of the raw stone from the ground to the goldsmith's engagement ring or necklace, we are able to forward the stones even from the wholesale step at cheaper prices!

All the stones we sell, starting with the 5 euro citrines, are examined and evaluated by GIA certified Gemologists (GIA Graduate Gemologist, GIA Accredited Jewelry Professional), so you cannot get a better guarantee of the authenticity and quality of the stones. A certificate/quality certificate, written by a GIA Gemmologist, is also available for each stone.

Those interested in gemstones should remember that online stores are full of outright scammers, where the item for sale is often completely different from what is described in the description. Even in Finnish markets, barely gem-quality stone, mostly translucent due to inclusions and cracks, is constantly being sold as "eye-clean" stone, "Top10", "+++ quality", "best color, top quality" etc. with meaningless and misleading descriptions. Stones from which an expert can immediately see even from bad pictures that the stone may not even be classifiable, due to poor quality/color/grinding, etc. Not to mention the imitations and synthetic stones that are sold as genuine natural stones, either out of ignorance or pure fraud.

Always require the opinion of a qualified expert or a certificate from a respected and known reliable entity for the stone you buy. Only then can you be sure that you will get what you order. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is arguably the most respected player in the industry, and the developer of many grading standards. With the expertise of GIA or a GIA-certified gemmologist, you ensure that the stone is what is claimed. A mere "warranty certificate" or "certificate" presented by the seller does not say anything, because anyone can write a note, or even print a nice plastic card called a "certificate", but which has no value when determining the quality and authenticity of the stone. Or selling stone.

Additional information

Weight 0,1 g
Dimensions 30×20×10 cm
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